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Testing Physical Security Measures through Penetration Testing


Pen testing is a valuable investment for any organization; it's a vital line of defence used to defend and secure your sensitive assets from malicious outsiders. While many of us believe security breaches only happen on the technical side of an organization, they can also start in your physical environment. You may find it surprising that some of the most advanced security attacks originate from a part as easy as a trash can. It may be easy to think of a hacker sitting in a dark area, spending hours attempting to break through your firewall and using malware to compromise your systems; however, that's not the only approach malicious individuals initiate security attacks.

Your organization should concentrate on its technical and physical security and consider incorporating social engineering and physical security testing into penetration testing to protect your sensitive data. Cyber Security Hive is the number one option for high-quality Penetration testing service in UAE and other cyber security services. Our expert team uses a deep knowledge of the attacker mindset to fully demonstrate the security level of your organization's critical systems and infrastructure.

Penetration Testing Service in UAE

Ways to Protect Sensitive Information from Physical Security Attacks:

Cyber Security Hive is a global security service provider with a top Penetration testing service in UAE and ensures your organization is secure from cyber threats. Our Penetration testing checklist breaks down critical resources you can use as guidance for your efforts, including a projected pen test workflow. We follow these necessary steps towards securing your physical assets:

Implement policies & procedures:

Proper policies and procedures should be in place so that employees are trained on security actions for daily activities. Whether that looks like locking doors, keeping security badges on at all times, or requiring all guests to stay with employees in secure areas, ensuring that each employee understands what's expected of them is vital in keeping your sensitive data secure.

Secure Network Entry Points:

Identifying all network entry points is a good practice to prevent wrong persons from accessing your organization's systems. Ethernet ports in open areas prove to be compelling access points for attackers.

Monitor All Sensitive Documents:

Locking secure documents in drawers is a good practice; however, these locked areas should be monitored. Typical tool hackers use in physical security attacks is a CH751 key. This key has the probability of unlocking simple locks like those in table drawers, storage containers, and even elevators, which implies securing your documents in a locked filing cabinet is not enough. These areas should be monitored at all times.

Monitor Key Physical Security Points with Cameras:

Security cameras are a good deterrent from hackers who search for easily accessible entry points hidden from view. Part of your organization's physical security measures should be inserting security cameras in areas where secure information is received, processed, and discarded.

Why Penetration Testing Makes a Difference for Physical Security ?

Penetration testers use similar tricks hackers use in malicious security attacks when testing your systems for vulnerabilities. They recognize that your organization's physical security is the first-line defence against hackers. They use techniques like picking locks to reach in areas alleged to be off-limits, cloning badges of unsuspecting staff, and scouting out employee workstations to seek the right moment to compromise them. At Cyber Security Hive, our penetration testers perform versatile social engineering and physical security tests to find vulnerabilities that your organization is missing.

As an information security firm, we frequently hear from our clients that they have an internal penetration testing team but are not curious about a third party conducting tests on their systems. When a penetration tester engages in an onsite visit, they can acknowledge physical security weaknesses and assist you in mitigating your risks.

Contact Cyber Security Hive today or visit for more information to learn how our expert penetration testers can test your security controls and locate your vulnerabilities to help you prevent any security attacks.


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