Cyber security companies in India
Cyber Security Hive will help you master the concepts of Cyber Security from scratch. We can do different cyber security activities for your company, such as ethical security hacking, web application penetration testing, computer network security, vulnerability management, penetration testing, spyware attacks, and more.
We are one of the best cyber security companies in India. We also provide services in Dubai, UAE, USA.

What is penetration testing?
Penetration testing is designed to intentionally simulate a cyber-attack on a system to determine the system's vulnerability to such attacks. Penetration testing requires a lot of expertise; therefore, only a few companies perform penetration testing very well.
Penetration testing services in India will reveal vulnerabilities in your network or system and ways to remove or reduce the associated risk. Cyber Security Hive provides the best penetration testing as a service in India.
Web Application penetration testing in India
Several promising companies are proving their capabilities globally regarding web application penetration testing in India.
Web application penetration testing must be performed by experienced and qualified personnel and can save companies that rely on its millions in the long run.
Methodologies opted in Web application Penetration testing in India
Black box technique
Black-box penetration testing, also known as closed testing, is a proper hacking penetration testing where the pen testing team is unaware of anything about the target they are trying to penetrate and exploit.
White box testing technique
The company's internal team can do this testing because they already know the details.
Gray box technique
Gray-box is also known as translucent testing. In this type of testing, the penetration testing team is partially aware of the details of the company they are using.
Red teaming technique
Red-teaming refers to using the same tactics and methods used by real hackers, but in this case, one team plays the role of the hacker while another plays the part of the defense team.
We are an India-based software company providing the best web application penetration testing in India and also offer security testing, SOC services, and vulnerability management services.
So, using the latest tools and highly experienced testers, we have evolved into India's best penetration testing company. If you will like this blog & want to inquire about Cyber Security Hive, you can contact us at and feel free to call +91 9901024214.